University of Wisconsin - Madison




威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校(University of Wisconsin-Madison,简称UW-Madison)是一所美国著名的公立研究型大学,也是美国知名的十大联盟创始成员之一,被誉为“公立常春藤”,位于美国威斯康星州麦迪逊市。该校成立于1848年,作为威斯康星大学系统的旗舰学府,其学生综合满意程度为95%。学校有二十多个校队,近900个学生组织。作为一所公立名校,学校关注且在乎学生的个人财务状况,不仅为学生设立了品相繁多的奖学金项目,在特殊情况还会为学生们发放救济金,帮助学生度过难关。





USNEWS 上海软科 QS THE CSRankings2021
42 33 83 58 12


Requirements & Deadlines

  1. 完成UW System Application的申请,提交60美元的申请费。
  2. 高中毕业证明,高中成绩单。
  3. 高等教育机构官方成绩单,通过纸质寄送或者通过第三方服务发送(陆本通过学信网或者纸质寄送)。威斯康星大学-麦迪逊不接受由申请者自己发送的成绩单,亦或者是陆本教务处发送的电子成绩单。
  4. 现在在读和未来将读的课程列表(针对还没有取得成绩的课程)。
  5. 语言成绩:TOEFL(80+),IELTS(6.5+),Doulingo(105+)。通过官方渠道发送。
  6. 一封推荐信 A required letter of recommendation。
  7. 两篇文书Two Essays。


OCT 1 - 春季转学申请截止日期

OCT 15 - 春季转学材料截止日期

DEC 31 - 春季转学录取决定截止日期

FEB 1 - 秋季转学Priority批申请截止日期

FEB 15 - 秋季转学Priority批材料截止日期

MAR 31 - 春季转学Priority批录取决定截止日期

MAR 1 - 秋季转学Regular批申请截止日期

MAR 15 - 秋季转学Regular批材料截止日期

APR 30 - 春季转学Regular批录取决定截止日期


申请者的学业准备 Academic Course Preparation

  • Prior to applying for transfer admission, students must have completed (or be completing) at least 24 semester hours of transferable course work. This essentially equates to one year of college-level study. We do not accept transfer students at the freshman level.
  • When reviewing applications, we pay particular attention to the college-level course work you have completed, and specifically:
  • Cumulative grade point average (GPA). Competitive not only for admission to the university, but for your intended major as well. Please note: GPA calculations will include all grades received for repeated courses; the initial grade, as well as grades received in second and subsequent attempts will be included in the GPA calculation.
  • Rigor of course work. Appropriate for continued study at UW–Madison and increasing in difficulty.
  • Course breadth. Showing a combination of English, math, science, literature, social science, and world language.
  • Grade trends and patterns. Steady or improving trends and patterns that show consistency across all academic areas.
  • Required courses. Applicants must have completed one year each of high school algebra, plane geometry, and college-preparatory math, and two high school years or two college semesters of a single world language.


申请人数 录取人数 入读人数
男生 1819 1025 542
女生 1709 1050 594
总共 3528 2075 1136

参考材料:Common Data Set